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  • [code]游戏主逻辑:// pages/game/programmer.jsvar game2048 = require('../../utils/game2048.js');var gameServer = require('../../utils/gameServer.js');var util = require('../../utils/util.js');var app = getApp() // 胜利音效const winAudio = wx.createInnerAudioContext()winAudio.src = ''winAudio.obeyMuteSwitch = false // move音效const moveAudio = wx.createInnerAudioContext()moveAudio.src = ''moveAudio.obeyMuteSwitch = false // 失败音效const failAudio = wx.createInnerAudioContext()failAudio.src = ''failAudio.obeyMuteSwitch = false Page({ data:{ // 游戏数组值 gridValue:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], // 游戏重新开始提示 restartPrompt:"再来亿把", // 游戏难度:1.时间160ms;2.时间80ms;3.时间40ms;4.时间20ms;5.时间10ms; gameLevel:[1,2,3,4,5], // 游戏难度初始值 index of gameLevel level: 3, // 游戏难度提示 levelPrompt:"难度", // 游戏模式:1.输出2,4;2.输出2.4.8;3.输出2.4.8.16;4.输出2.;5.输出2.; gameMode: [1,2,3,4,5], // 游戏模式初始值 index of gameMode mode: 1, // 游戏模式提示 modePrompt:"模式", // 游戏运行时间 gameTime:"00:00:00", // 游戏运行 开始时间 gameStartDate:0, // 游戏运行 结束时间 gameEndDate:0, // 游戏分数 gameScore: 0, // 游戏触摸控制 gameTouchInfo: { pointOrigin: { x: 0, y: 0 }, pointTarget: { x: 0, y: 0 }, isValid: false }, // 游戏触摸控制阈值 gameDistanceThreshold:10, // 排行榜 chartsUsers: [ { avatar:"", name:"chenxi****", score:"2048", level:"3级", mode:"3", time:"05:34" }, { name:"**********", score:"4096", level:"5级", mode:"5", time:"15:03" } ], // 胜利声音 winAudio: null }, onLoad:function(options){ // 页面初始化 options为页面跳转所带来的参数 const winAudio = wx.createInnerAudioContext() // winAudio.src = '../../assets/win.mp3' winAudio.src = '' // winAudio.autoPlay = true winAudio.obeyMuteSwitch = false // console.log(options) this.setData({ winAudio }) winAudio.onPlay(() => { console.log('playyyyy') }) }, onReady:function(){ // 页面渲染完成 game2048.resetGame(); this.setData({ gridValue:game2048.getGameArray().slice() }); // 用户数据获取 // this.inspectUserServer(); // time console.log("gameStartDate:",; var that = this; setInterval(function() { var _gameEndDate =; var playTime = Math.floor((_gameEndDate - / 1000); that.setData({ gameEndDate: _gameEndDate, gameTime: util.formatSecondsTime(playTime) }); },1000); }, onShow:function(){ // 页面显示 game2048.printAuthor(); // test this.setData({ gameStartDate:new Date().getTime() }); // 排行榜 // this.getRank(); }, onHide:function(){ // 页面隐藏 }, onUnload:function(){ // 页面关闭 }, handleRestart:function(event){ // 游戏重新开始 game2048.resetGame(); this.setData({ gridValue:game2048.getGameArray().slice(), gameStartDate:new Date().getTime(), gameTime:"00:00:00" }); }, handleTouchMove:function(event){ // 游戏2048网格界面触摸移动 // console.log(event); // game2048.playGame("moveButtom"); // this.setData({ // gridValue:game2048.getGameArray().slice() // }); }, handleTouchStart:function(event){ // 游戏2048网格界面触摸开始 // console.log(event); if (! { this.setData({ 'gameTouchInfo.pointOrigin.x': event['changedTouches'][0].pageX, 'gameTouchInfo.pointOrigin.y': event['changedTouches'][0].pageY, 'gameTouchInfo.isValid': true }); } }, handleTouchEnd:function(event){ // 游戏2048网格界面触摸结束 // console.log(event); if ( { this.setData({ 'gameTouchInfo.pointTarget.x': event['changedTouches'][0].pageX, 'gameTouchInfo.pointTarget.y': event['changedTouches'][0].pageY, 'gameTouchInfo.isValid': false }); var direction = this.getTouchDirection(,, console.log(direction); game2048.playGame(direction); // 停止所有音频 // winAudio.stop() // failAudio.stop() // moveAudio.stop() const that = this if (game2048.getGameStatus() === 'end') { wx.showModal({ title: '倔倔', content: '没办法,被天克', showCancel: false, confirmText: '再来亿把', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { // console.log('用户点击确定') that.handleRestart() failAudio.stop() } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消') } } }) } else if (game2048.getGameStatus() === 'win') { wx.showModal({[/code]


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    • XX:Thursday, 01/01/1970